About Engraved Replicas -
Gift Bricks® also offers replica products for customers who wish to provide their donors with a commemorative of their donation. They can also be added as another sales opportunity for your non-profit fundraiser. Replicas are usually a lightweight copy of the donor's ordered brick. Gift Bricks® Replicas can be engraved on personalized bricks, tiles, glass, marble, granite, bricktile and come in a variety of sizes. They make a superb donor recognition gift. The replica "brick" will be displayed with pride at your donor's home or office. A wood base for replicas is also available.
Gift Bricks® usual size for replicas is a 4x8 bricktile. But they can be customized for any project. Replicas come in a variety of materials, colors, and textures. This includes brick, face brick, tile, marble, granite, glass, wood, Romanite® etc. You can see some of the most popular materials that we engrave at the materials page.
Gift Bricks® can also provide a variety of sizes of MINI-Replica Bricktiles for those who wish to provide their donors with a unique replica of the engraved brick or paver they ordered. Pricing is reasonable and is determined by size of replica and quantity ordered.